Today was a day of shopping in the morning (supplies ... food, batteries, cleaning items, etc.). Today was also the first of four stages os the race.
Stage 1: Barolvento/Sotavento or Windward/Leeward or in plain English, Upwind/Downwind. But before going into details of today's race... let me introduce you to the Tabasco Team ...
Olaf, aka Olafo, is our captain. I have sailed the Cup with Olafo twice before. I have also known Olafo since kindergarten!
Gustavo, aka Gus, is our second captain. As with Olaf, have sailed the Galapagos Cup twice before with Gus.
Lars, aka Viking, is Olafo's brother and like Olafo an experienced sailor who has also sailed the Cup. Vikingo is our tactical person.
Jinson, aka McGyver, is ou deckhand. His nickname is exactly what it means ... he can fix just about anything with anything on board. He is also key in keeping all the sails ready.
Ignacio, aka Nacho, is Gus' son, and the newbie in the group. Nacho gets to skip school for a week in order to participate in the race ... I assume his mom knows about this :-)
Bernardo ... aka Berni and Elber (for "El Bernardo") There are two Bernardoes on board ... so he is now known as Junior ... chances are this name will stick. Junior is our other newbie. He is Olafo's daughter boyfiend .. so I give him a lot of credit for being willing to venture into open sea with his girfriend's dad ...
..and of course me.
so to today's race ... we had steady 8 - 10 knot winds with gusts here and there and a speed of 7 knots... not bad. The 12 nautical mile course was based on 2 miles upwind, two miles downwind, three cycles. The boats are set into three categories... Catamarans, goup 500, and group 600. the assignemnt is based on the type of boat, construction, size, etc, and each boat is assigned a handicap... how? I have no idea ... witchcraft I say! We are in group 600 with 17 other boats.
Today's race was a very tactical race, where each "tack" (or turn into the wind) had a significant inpact on the approach to each buoy, and involved a lot of defencive moves. We ended up in 2nd place for our group and 4th place overall.... here an interesting fact... what separates third from forth place is 60 seconds!!!
The evening we had the opening ceremonies, which included a welcoming procession of the different teams ... boats from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and one vessel from France ... hosted by the Ecuadorean Navy. In addition to the opening ceremony there was the award ceremony ...
...this is our 2nd place trophy ...
...and a social event featuring live music pefomed by the Navy's orchestra....
All in all a great first day.
Tomorow we have some last minute shopping, and at 13:00 local time we start the second stage of the race ... Salinas Galapagos. During this stage of the race I will not have any internet connection, so I hope you will be able to spot us on the or the Copa Galapagos Website... I expect to be back on line sometime in Monday ...
Until then!